
A place for all my thoughts.



On this page I will be sharing on the following subjects: Mindfulness, Anxiety and Depression, Creative Arts, Inner Work, Reading Lists, and Inter-generational Feminism. Some new subjects may be added or some taken away as this website grows.

My hope is that my followers will get from this website is the motivation to grow, learn, adventure, experience to share and listen to those in your life. That this experience will motivate them to expand their circle of influence to include different races, cultures, philosophies and beliefs and learn form each other.


There are many different types of journals and ways to keep them.  Some are private for only the author to see. Some are public to share with others interested in the thought and feelings of the author on various subjects. The journal on this website will be the following: a place where I can share my thoughts, actions, studies knowledge and feelings with those looking for ways to connect with those with similar goals or growth. 

Why do I have a journal? This is a place to keep track of my inner intuitive world. I am sharing it because I would like a place to share my learning, knowledge and growth with others. I am sharing with others so that we may connect with those older, the same age and younger than ourselves. I am sharing my experience, learning and knowledge that might be helpful to those that find their way to this website. These thoughts and beliefs my challenge those that think differently than me or validate those that think similar. I’m hoping these journal pages will spark the curiosity of the readers and motivate them to self-reflect and learn more about themselves and others. I is meant to be the beginning of a dialogue to help us connect and understand our similarities and differences. 


Anxiety / Depression

Anxiety is the flight-fight-freeze reaction to a real or perceived danger. Depression is the mental defense to anxiety. These two usually go together. These pages will be an ongoing discussion of the related disorders. The writer will give some tools for self-care while experience either or both.

Disclaimer: These pages are not met to replace psychotherapy, Life Coaching or Medical Care. they are purely educational. If these two disorders are disturbing your life, please seek professional care.


Creativity & Inspiration

These pages will discuss the Arts and how valuable they  are to individuals and society.  They will discuss the Arts from various cultures and individuals. Here you will learn how the Arts can reduce stress and open up a world of learning. This area will include needlework and quilting that many times are categorized as Crafts.


Inner Work

If you are on an inward journey to yourself these pages will support you on that journey. These pages will give you some ideas on what to pursue and how to pursue it while taking this journey. I like to think that these are tools to be used as transportation to the final destination where ever and what ever that may be. The tools and learning are the stops along the way. Each tool brings you a step close to self-discovery and possibly self-care.


Inter-Generational Feminism

Feminism is defined as the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of sexes. Ht has had three major waves in history and currently the forth wave is forming.

These pages will include the history of feminism beginning with the French and American Revolution and ending with the newest surge in 2016 and the Women’s March in 2017 through the world.



Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you are sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgement. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery and other practice to relax the body and mind to reduce stress. This section will contain Blogs, Question and Answers, and exercises for those interested in learning more about the benefits of mindfulness.


Reading List

This is a space where I can discuss my latest reading and future reading. It will serve as an online journal of the books I’ve read. I will also post the reading challenges in which I am participating.